
squirting 2 - What is squirting and what are its secrets?

What is squirting and what are its secrets?

squirting 2 - What is squirting and what are its secrets?

On more than one occasion, surely you have heard of female ejaculation or squirting. It usually appears in many porn and erotic movies, although it can also come up as a topic of conversation among friends.

Regardless of where the topic of squirting has come up, you should know what it means and what it is. That way you will be able to know more about it and offer the woman some more pleasure.

What is squirt?

We can say that squirt is a stream of clear liquid, which is expelled by the woman, specifically through the urethra area. It then exits through the bladder and mixes with other liquids, which means that it could be defined as a diluted urine.

The squirt is a different way of achieving an orgasm by the woman, that is, it is a different way of pleasure when it comes to achieving vaginal ejaculation. To achieve squirting, it is necessary to stimulate the woman in two areas at the same time. The G-spot and the clitoris must be stimulated.

Vaginal ejaculation or squirt?

As we have told you before, the two are not the same. However, we want to make it clear that neither part is better than the other. To give you an idea, there are women who prefer the orgasm obtained through ejaculation and others through squirting. For that reason, if you really want to satisfy the woman, you must communicate with her. This way she can tell you what she likes best and you will be able to give her the pleasure you are looking for.

The purpose of communication is twofold. Firstly, you will be able to raise the temperature at the moment and secondly you will be able to provide the pleasure that the woman you are going to have sex with is looking for. Remember, communication is really important when it comes to offering pleasure.

Having said that, it’s time to look at the main differences between the two.

  • Squirt: we are talking about the expulsion of a diluted urine liquid, as we have previously mentioned. To achieve it, you have to go for a voluntary and provoked orgasm. Without this provocation, orgasm and cumming will not be possible.
    Vaginal ejaculation: in this case, the ejaculation is totally involuntary and the amount of liquid that is expelled is very small. Even some women do not cum and it is only noticed with the woman’s orgasm. Female ejaculation is given by the moment experienced by the couple and by the state. In the case of occurrence, a small amount of whitish liquid is expelled, which can sometimes be confused with the lubrication itself.

But to give you an idea, you should know that ejaculation is much more common than squirting itself. That is because ejaculation is the most natural thing and can be achieved even when you are not looking for it.

On the other hand, our escorts have told us that squirting is not synonymous with enjoyment. Sometimes it is used more for show than for pleasure. For this reason, it is necessary to ask the woman if she really enjoys the experience or not. That is, it becomes a female sexual manifestation different from traditional ejaculation. Of course, many women tend to positively value men who make them enjoy different pleasures to which they are accustomed. As it always happens, unknown things are always better valued.

squirting - What is squirting and what are its secrets?

Steps to get a squirting

Getting it is not always easy and you may not get it right the first time. But to help you succeed, we are going to show you some steps you should take to make the process a little easier.

  • Relaxation: to be successful, it is essential that the woman relaxes. A woman in tension will never succeed. To achieve this relaxation, it is not only necessary to talk about the moment, it is also interesting to relax the mind. If both parties agree, then it is time to take the next step.
    Erotization of the body: to be successful, it is vital to start well so that the result is good. To achieve stimulation it is important that the skin is receptive. To achieve this, it is important to bet on kissing, rubbing, hugging, caressing … Without forgetting the tongue, which should have much prominence.
    Caresses on the limbs: take the necessary time. Let yourself go and go from less to more to achieve a high degree of excitement. Caresses and kisses all over the body will be your great allies. It can also be a good option to choose to play naughty games and thus get the temperature to rise quickly.
    Lubrication of the area: if you notice that the woman does not lubricate enough, it may be a good time to bet on an extra lubrication in the area. In this case, you should try to stimulate the woman’s G-zone. It may be a good option to bet on a special cream or lubricant to help achieve the stimulation you are looking for.
    Stimulation: this is another important part and should be achieved with the help of the fingers or the penis. Although using both can make things a little easier. To get the stimulation, go for varying rhythms and intensities. You will have to stimulate the G-spot and do not forget the clitoris, which is still very important. If you are insistent and increase the rhythm, you will see how the woman begins to feel like urinating. But she’s not really going to urinate, she’s going to suddenly shower.

Not all women have the same ease when it comes to enjoying squirting. If you notice that the woman is having problems, it may be a good option to change positions until you find the ideal one. Doggy style or Cowgirl are usually the most favorable positions for squirting.

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