
eyaculacion retardada 2 - Tips and advice on delayed ejaculation

Tips and advice on delayed ejaculation

C%C3%B3mo controlar la eyaculaci%C3%B3n - Tips and advice on delayed ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation is something that is not often talked about, but sometimes it can be a problem when it comes to having sex. Unlike premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation can cause the ejaculation time to be too long.

The problem of having a too long ejaculation is that it can become tiring or boring to one or both parties or even cause discomfort. And don’t forget that this problem is also recognized under the name of delayed ejaculation. Of course, delayed ejaculation is not the same as anejaculation which occurs when ejaculation cannot occur.

When a man suffers from delayed ejaculation, they may be enjoying the traditional pleasure and excitement of sexual intercourse, but may not reach orgasm or may take too long. According to one study, the problem is not so much during masturbation, but usually occurs mainly during penetration.

How long should it take to ejaculate?

Many men wonder what is the perfect time to ejaculate. There really is no right length of time, the important thing is to achieve satisfaction between both parties during intercourse.

To give you an idea, there are men who can take a half hour or so to ejaculate from penetration. For some couples, that time can start to be a bit long, while for other couples it is the perfect time to achieve mutual satisfaction. However, if ejaculation begins to take three quarters of an hour or an hour, then we can say that we are talking about delayed ejaculation. Maybe that time in the first relationship can be impressive, but over time it will become a problem because fatigue and boredom will not take long to arrive.

As we have learned from a study by the American Urological Association, it is estimated that the problem is usually present in 4% of men and tends to occur in older men. The number of cases has increased in recent years, but it is estimated that this is due to the fact that more and more men are daring to seek information to solve the problem.

How can it affect life as a couple?

It can be said that each couple can be affected in a different way. Everyone is different, but the important thing is that if delayed ejaculation is a problem, solutions should be sought to put an end to the problem.

To get an idea, delayed ejaculation can cause fatigue, discomfort from having a relationship that is too long and above all boredom. And part of the charm can be lost by delaying ejaculation too much.

In addition, if the problem is prolonged over time, it can cause serious problems for the couple. One of the most common consequences is usually the lack of sexual desire of the man, who begins to see a great frustration, especially if the ejaculation time is longer and longer. In addition, the man fears the image he can give to his partner, which can eventually translate into ejaculation problems or even erection problems. These cases can occur in men who are very concerned about the problem and do not focus on what is really important. And if that happens, the couple may have problems in sexual relations, which can result in breakups.

Main reasons for delayed ejaculation

Truth be told, there can be different reasons that can cause this problem, but as far as we have been able to find out there are three main reasons that cause this problem.

Drugs: although you may not think so, some drugs can be the problem. Some of the drugs that usually cause the most problems are antidepressants and antipsychotics. For this reason, problems always ask men who have this problem to tell them if they are taking any type of medication to see if that could be the cause of the problem.
Chronic illnesses: can also influence a man’s ejaculation time. To get an idea, the main diseases that can cause this problem are diabetes, multiple sclerosis, genital surgeries, hormonal disorders or drug abuse among many other problems. The professional makes a study and determines if this could be the problem.
Age: do not forget that age is another cause that can cause ejaculation to take too long to occur. As you can imagine, the older the man is, the greater the risk of suffering from delayed ejaculation. There have even been cases of men who in their youth suffered from premature ejaculation and over the years have gone on to suffer from the opposite.

Advice for couples

Once we are aware of the problem, it is time to give a series of tips to the couple to keep them together and overcome the problem well and consequently the breakup of the couple does not occur.

Dialogue: the dialogue is fundamental at the time of facing the problem in couple. And it is not only a matter of the man, but also of the woman. The communication is very important to see if the problem is given by some reason that was not known. If the main reasons for the problem are known, it is much easier to face it and solve it. Many women think that the reason is because men no longer find them attractive, but the truth is that in the vast majority of cases the problem is usually something else.
No obligations: the partner does not have to force the man to reach orgasm. The obligation and pressure will make the problem go further. One solution may be for the man to sometimes assume that he cannot reach orgasm and focus on satisfying his partner. This way the problem is less of a problem.
Excitement: it can be a good option to excite to get the ejaculation can come in advance.

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