
Las mejores tecnicas de masturbacion masculina 2 - The best male masturbation techniques

The best male masturbation techniques

Las mejores tecnicas de masturbacion masculina 2 - The best male masturbation techniques

We know more and more about the sexual world and that means we can enjoy new experiences. On many occasions we are accustomed to women being the only ones who investigate. But it must be clear that men who investigate can get a lot of pleasure if they put their mind to it.

Although we have more and more information, on many occasions we do not understand it or we cannot put it into practice. To help you, we have decided to show you the best male masturbation techniques so you can enjoy yourself more.

1- Classic masturbation

It is the technique that the vast majority of men use in their daily lives to masturbate and achieve pleasure. The system is very simple. With your hand you grab the penis and make ascending and descending movements.

To achieve greater stimulation through this variety of masturbation, it is best to change the pressure and speed. If you always do the same movement, it can become boring.

And if you want the sensations to be different, it can be a good alternative to add lubricant to masturbation. Some men use saliva, but the experience is not the same as with lubricants. It is the technique that is used first for masturbation and the one that is most used throughout sexual life.

2- Agile fingers masturbation

It is quite similar to the previous masturbation technique, but with a difference. Instead of using the whole hand, only the thumb and index finger are used. With your fingers you should cover the top and bottom of the glans and perform a massage.

It is important to perform different types of massages in terms of intensity to stay with the option that offers you the most pleasure. To find maximum pleasure it is vital to change.

3- Two-handed masturbation

It is not a masturbation that all men can enjoy, only those with the largest penis. The technique is the same as with classic masturbation. But when the member is large, both hands can help to achieve extra pleasure.

One hand focuses on the lower part of the penis, while the other is placed on the glans area. It is a slightly complicated technique at first, especially when you want to keep a rhythm between both hands.

But we can assure you that you can get more pleasure if you move each of your hands in the opposite direction. You raise one and lower the other. And to obtain more excitement it can be an interesting idea to make circular movements in the glans area.

4- Reverse masturbation

Although it is a very simple technique, the truth is that few men have put it into practice. Just with the grip it can cause very different sensations, hence, if you have not tried it yet, I invite you to do so.

Specifically, you have to put your hand the opposite of what is done with classic masturbation. That means that the thumb is in a different position and that helps the pleasure to be different. Then all you have to do is move your hand to masturbate. Of course, make the movements slow because the wrist is not used to that type of movement.

Las mejores tecnicas de masturbacion masculina - The best male masturbation techniques

5- Waterfall masturbation

To be able to practice this type of masturbation you will have to get into the bathtub because it requires a lot of water. As consumption is high, it is recommended to do it rarely because the planet can suffer a lot.

It is a technique in which you will have to put the penis under the stream of water. It is usually a type of masturbation that is done standing up, but if you can do it sitting down, you will be able to enjoy more comfort.

The important thing is to send the water jet when the penis is erect and that the water has a comfortable temperature. Avoid water that is too cold or hot. Some people play with temperature changes, but that is a matter of taste.

6- Fire-making masturbation

It is a technique that offers men a totally different pleasure. Many men who try this masturbation technique are very satisfied, which is why they repeat it on many occasions.

To put it into practice they have to hold the penis as if it were a stick and then make movements to light a fire. You just have to move your hands from one side to the other.

To see what intensity you like best, it is best to start with a low intensity and then gradually increase it. Every person is a world. Some men like slow pace and others like fast. Try the different rhythms and stick with the one that suits you best.

If you notice that it is not working well and that it is difficult for you to perform the movements, you can always masturbate with a little lubricant. This way the movements will be easier and pleasure will be assured at all times.

7- Masturbation of the unknown guest

It’s perfect if you want to have the feeling that your masturbation is being done by someone else. In that case, you will have to sit on your hand and wait for him to fall asleep. The moment you can’t feel the hand, it will be time to start the wrist.

That way you will get a sensation very similar to if you were getting a handjob. Of course, be careful with your hand so that you don’t sleep on it excessively.

8- Masturbation with toys

Another option may be to buy a male masturbator and thus achieve masturbation that is different from traditional ones. Luckily, there are many sex toys to choose from these days.

Examine the market and buy the toy that you think can give you the most pleasure. If you can afford it, it can be a good option to choose different toys. This way you can see what things stimulate you the most and enjoy them.

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