The Singapore Kiss: meaning and techniques to enjoy it
Nowadays, couples who get bored or get into a rut of routine sex is because they want or have no interest in innovating. And we are going to demonstrate that today. Throughout this article we are going to talk about the Singapore kiss. It is a super interesting technique through which it will be easier for you to increase your pleasure. Not only you will like it, but also your partner.
What is the Singapore kiss?
It is an act that can only be done by women because the main protagonist in this technique is the vagina. To achieve pleasure, the aim is to obtain contractions of the muscles of the vagina and thus achieve sensations that otherwise can not be enjoyed.
But this experience not only offers pleasure to the person who receives it, but also to the person who does it. That is because the excitement is so high that the pleasure is assured for both parties.
To put this technique into practice it is not only necessary to have a vagina, but also a penis and a bit of tantric ideology so that the results are as expected. It is important to be clear that the penis will begin to obtain pleasure before, but the vagina as soon as it enters in voluntary contraction mode will begin to obtain a very high degree of pleasure as well. This is why this technique is becoming more and more popular. The sensations are different from the normal ones.
How is the Singapore Kiss put into practice?
In order to do the Singapore Kiss, the first thing is to be aware of the muscles in your vagina and make sure they are toned. A good way to assess this is to consult with a physiosexologist, who is a physical therapist specializing in the pelvic floor. She will help you determine the condition of your muscles and recommend exercises to strengthen them if necessary, or to maintain their proper tone.
Once you have control over how to relax and contract your vaginal muscles, you can apply this knowledge during vaginal penetration with a penis. It is quite simple: while the penis is inside the vagina, you can contract and relax the muscles vaginally. This is done by alternating contractions and relaxations, for example, holding the contraction for a few seconds and then releasing, repeating it several times.
Your partner will feel these muscular movements and will experience pleasurable sensations due to the pressure and relaxation you exert on the penis with your vagina. It is important to mention that it is not necessary to do it only when the penis is completely inside you; you can vary the height of the contractions along the penis (at the tip, in the middle, at the base) and also introduce these contractions at different times during intercourse, either at the beginning or near orgasm.
The goal is to explore different ways to enjoy this special “kiss”, adding variety to discover which moments and techniques provide the most pleasure for both partners.
Can the Singapore kiss be improved?
Like everything in life, with practice you can improve. But do not forget that the woman should always have a good condition in the pelvic muscles if you really want to achieve good results. To achieve the expected result, Kegel exercises can be a good option. These exercises will help you control the muscles to make vaginal contraction and relaxation movements. Similarly, hypopressive abdominal exercises can be of great help.
When you have a good control, it will be time to improve the technique. To achieve this, you can use the well-known Chinese balls. They will not only help you to improve, but also to maintain the muscular state you are looking for.
One of the strong points of this technique is that the woman can change the rhythm to achieve greater or lesser sensations for both parties. It is a great tool when it comes to enjoy different sensations, after all, sex is to enjoy it. And if it is through innovation such as the Singapore kiss, so much the better.
Maybe the first time you practice it can be a little complicated to make the contraction and relaxation movements, but with repetition everything becomes easier. It is important to be constant to improve the tactics and enjoy the real pleasure that can be achieved. If you add to that the game of penetration, the results will be really good.
What are the benefits of the Singapore kiss?
When you start practicing this technique you will realize that it has many benefits, although we are going to show you the most important ones. So you can realize with your partner that it can be a good option when it comes to innovate within the relationship.
- Communication: although it may seem the opposite, this technique helps in a direct way in the communication with your partner.
- Sensations: it is a great tool to enjoy different sensations. These sensations will not only be genital, but also corporal.
- Musculature: it helps the woman to maintain the good tone of the pelvic musculature.
- Complicity: in a direct way it helps the complicity to be greater. You will see how you laugh and have more fun with your partner. That means that the couple will be much more united. Remember, laughter always shows when the relationship is strong. For that reason, newly in love are always laughing and so happy.
- Sexual play: it is another very interesting option when it comes to avoid falling into sexual monotony.
Those are some of the many benefits of Singapore kissing. Now you just have to practice it and see that it is something that benefits both parts of the couple.